
Friday, July 19, 2013

Happy Birthday to me!

I know I havent written in a while. And Im sorry. Life and everything. I am now 26 years old! Happy! lol. Adrian is going to be in first grade in a little over a month, and I will get a car in a month too. Life seems to be clicking into place for me.

I had a dream about Ethan the morning of my birthday. I was at my dads with him and I wouldnt let anyone hold him. I kept on holding him and hugging him and wouldnt let him leave my arms. I bet they were tired. Then after a while I realized that I didnt see Adrian anywhere. I couldnt find him either. It was a little unsettling. But Im glad I woke up when I did. I tried not to let it affect my birthday.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Its been a while

Its been about a month since I have written anything. In that month, I have come to peace with the fact that I will never get to meet my niece, L. I have thought about visiting Ethan sometime after his birthday. I am unsure if I am going to go or not, but Im in the thinking process. Adrian went in the hospital about a week ago because he wasnt breathing and he had a unidentified mass in his lung that has since gone, and he is all better minus a cough.

One of my friends just announced that she is pregnant with her 3rd. Part of me thinks its a "fixer" baby, part of me thinks that part of me is jealous and angry and bitter. One of my friends is about to have her baby in the next week or so. Then one of my friends is naming her baby a JR, and I am more pissed off at that.  I dont know why. I dont want to be mad. I dont want to be hurting, I want to be happy for them. More often than not I find myself hating them. My friend who is naming her baby a JR is a birthmom and so is her sister. Her sister just gave up her baby in jan/ feb. and that is the same time my friend came out as pregnant. My friend is so over the moon that she is pregnant and happy and life is blessed, the whole nine yards, I think she has forgotten that she herself is a birthmom. Her sister has stolen some of JRs baby clothes, blankets, etc. She is acting not like herself. And the posts that I have seen are like mocking her and shitting on her.

Its unfair that she is shitting on her own sister. I mean she may not have let it be known to the world that she was pregnant with I [my friend] and let them know that she is chose adoption. And I know she has closed herself off from it and dealing with it. But her sister is dealing with it, and doing what shes doing, I bet because she doesnt know how to let out these feelings and how to cope. Ive tried contacting the sister, but she has removed her FB page, she isnt on twitter much... I dont know much of else I can do. I want to contact my friend and ask her for her number. I feel bad for her. Her twitter page was filled with some crying posts, her wanting her child back, "you'd think that she'd understand", and depressing stuff.

I love helping people out. I dont want them to hurt. I hate seeing anyone hurting or in pain.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


About a week or so ago I found out that my sister, K, had a baby on her birthday about 2 months ago. I didnt want to know. I got forced to know it, and what the babys name is. I contacted her through FB and told her congrats and whathave you, and she went off on me. She called me a bunch of names: rude, selfish, heartless, and a liar. And Im guessing it was because of the adoption. It irritates me more than anything that she would think that I would lie about anything about MY LIFE and MY SITUATION regarding it. I really hate that she has always had this perception of me that Im just a piece of shit that hurts people because I can and its in my nature.

When she sent me that, I started balling my eyes out. I cried more than I had ever in weeks. I was like, how dare she call me these things when she wont let me talk, and she just puts up a barrier. I was neutral  and told her how she should not try to make her little baby grow up fast, and savior the moments of her tiny babys life. I was mad because of the things that she was told and none of it was true. It makes me mad and sad when I think about it because its sad that people know all about my life when they arent in it, and they arent active part in it.

Friday, April 5, 2013

I'm angry....

I'm angry at my mom, she would rather be closed up about everything than let me be open about it. She didn't support me through my pregnancy.

I'm angry at my grandmother because every time I bring up Ethan she clams up and doesn't say a word. She makes me feel bad for even talking about Ethan.

I'm mad at bio dad because he wasn't there. He... I can't even find words to finish it.

I'm reading my coping with open adoption ebook. And things have come to light again. I want to get them out.

Why i got pregnant

I didn't meaningfully tried to get pregnant. It happened. I wasn't on birth control. I had finished bleeding from the pill which had messed me up.

In the year before I got pregnant, adrians dad left me. It affected me and shamed me, because I wad trying to move on. But instead everyone thought I got pregnant because she did.

It was being pregnant and single that brought me the most shame. I kept thinking omg, what am I going to do.

I gave Ethan up because society said it was a happy thing to do.

Adrian had a lot to do with.choosing adoption. How was I going to raise two kids being single.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Haven't wrote lately

and I am sorry. Life has gotten in the way. Right now Adrian and I are in FL for the week visiting my grandparents.

I got a message either last night or the night before from the boys telling me that Ethan is going to get tubes in his ears in May. In a way I fail, because I feel like I failed Ethan. Because I couldnt have made him healthy and perfect. I know that most all kids get tubes due to ear infections, but at the same time, I have tubes because of my hearing loss, then Adrian has tubes because of the ear infections.

Lately, Adrian has been telling me that I dont love him and I never wanted him, and that I have been telling people that I never wanted adrian. While, none of it is true. Adrian was not planned but not prevented. Me and his dad knew that we were going to be together, so we didnt really care if we had a kid or not. So Adrian happened. Thats always been the story with Adrian... more than a few people had pushed me to get an abortion, but I didnt want to. Welp, I guess Adrian has over heard me saying about how I wished I never had Ethan, or met his bio dad, for a number of reasons. I love my porkers, but the pain that I have gone through, I dont wish it on anyone. And now Adrian thinks I am talking about him, when I say that stuff. Even though I try tell him that I dont mean it, it never leaves it. Poor kid.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I have these couple guys that talk to me every couple months and they ask me how life is and how my sons are. And I get offended because both of them know that I placed ethan for adoption. I know I shouldnt get offended, but I do. Yes I consider Ethan my son, but do I want random guys asking me how my sons are? I know it is completely stupid and irrational of me, but it bugs me.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The conversation with my stepmom

So this is how it went down... [I told her over skype chat]... I am YY... And she is AR or whatever lol. You will get the gist. 

[3/16/2011 8:49:52 PM] r: I hear Cris' girlfriend is pregnant?? 
[3/16/2011 8:50:00 PM] : yes 
[3/16/2011 8:50:01 PM] : Chris 
[3/16/2011 8:50:06 PM] Ar: when is she due 
[3/16/2011 8:50:08 PM] y: idk 
[3/16/2011 8:50:20 PM] r: how do you feel about that? 
[3/16/2011 8:50:25 PM] y: im fine 
[3/16/2011 8:50:29 PM] Ar: lies 
[3/16/2011 8:50:35 PM] yey: noo. lol 
[3/16/2011 8:51:05 PM] Aer: I know you still care about him, it is hard to have a kid and not care about it 
[3/16/2011 8:51:13 PM] Alr: I'm here if you need to talk 
[3/16/2011 8:51:20 PM] yy: i seriously dont care he can go to hell 
[3/16/2011 8:51:33 PM] Ar: ok, drinking tonight are we? hehe 
[3/16/2011 8:51:43 PM] yy: aha no I cant 
[3/16/2011 8:51:50 PM] r: why not? 
[3/16/2011 8:51:51 PM] Ar: Gram 
[3/16/2011 8:51:59 PM] yy: no 
[3/16/2011 8:52:06 PM] r: I would definitely drink with her around 
[3/16/2011 8:52:19 PM] : I have a beer in the fridge but I cant 
[3/16/2011 8:52:34 PM] Aer: why not, is the queen coming over 
[3/16/2011 8:52:43 PM] Ar: you're old enough 
[3/16/2011 8:52:47 PM] yey: yes but I cant 
[3/16/2011 8:53:07 PM] Aler: ok, I am not good at games, can't why... have a date? 
[3/16/2011 8:53:26 PM] yy: no bfs not coming over hes working.. 
[3/16/2011 8:53:44 PM] Ar: you might actually like your gram if you start drinking, heavily 
[3/16/2011 8:53:58 PM] Aer: what is his name anyway? 
[3/16/2011 8:54:03 PM] yey: Matt 
[3/16/2011 8:54:12 PM] yey: hes 24 
[3/16/2011 8:54:14 PM] Aer: matt....what 
[3/16/2011 8:54:23 PM] Aer: ok, you will be too 
[3/16/2011 8:54:32 PM] yy: father of 2 and one on the way 
[3/16/2011 8:54:52 PM] Aer: um, why are you messing around with him 
[3/16/2011 8:54:59 PM] yy: ... one on the way.. 
[3/16/2011 8:55:07 PM] Ar: your 
[3/16/2011 8:55:07 PM] yy: yes.. 
[3/16/2011 8:55:10 PM] yy: yes 
[3/16/2011 8:55:17 PM] yy: Im scared. 
[3/16/2011 8:55:23 PM] yy: I told nan last night 
[3/16/2011 8:55:28 PM] Ar: um, but he already has 2, does he have a wife to go with 
[3/16/2011 8:55:37 PM] yy: ? 
[3/16/2011 8:55:40 PM] Aer: you should be scared 
[3/16/2011 8:55:57 PM] Ar: how will you, what will you.. 
[3/16/2011 8:56:07 PM] yy: idk 
[3/16/2011 8:56:18 PM] yey: either keep it or adoption 
[3/16/2011 8:56:23 PM] Aler: i thought you were taking measures.. 
[3/16/2011 8:56:38 PM] ey: well I wasnt on the pill for 4 months then got with him 
[3/16/2011 8:56:41 PM] Aer: honey, how will you support another baby 
[3/16/2011 8:56:47 PM] yy: idk 
[3/16/2011 8:57:03 PM] Aer: i would be happy to help, i hope you know that 
[3/16/2011 8:57:09 PM] yey: I knoe 
[3/16/2011 8:57:11 PM] Aer: how does Matt feel about this 
[3/16/2011 8:57:25 PM] yy: hes just like me 
[3/16/2011 8:57:32 PM] yey: he doesnt know what to think 
[3/16/2011 8:57:36 PM] Aler: he is pregnant too??? 
[3/16/2011 8:57:43 PM] yy: aha 
[3/16/2011 8:57:44 PM] Aer: sorry joke 
[3/16/2011 8:58:05 PM] yey: I got an ultrasound done last week 
[3/16/2011 8:58:13 PM] Ager: well, does he have a wife??? 
[3/16/2011 8:58:16 PM] yy: no 
[3/16/2011 8:58:16 PM] Aer: and... 
[3/16/2011 8:58:23 PM] Aer: what does he do 
[3/16/2011 8:58:24 PM] yey: due 11.4.11 
[3/16/2011 8:58:30 PM] yy: hes a mall cop 
[3/16/2011 8:58:34 PM] yy: yes 
[3/16/2011 8:58:36 PM] Aer: Paul Blart 
[3/16/2011 8:58:50 PM] yy: aha 
[3/16/2011 8:58:53 PM] Ar: does he want to be with you 
[3/16/2011 8:58:56 PM] yey: yes 
[3/16/2011 8:59:02 PM] Ar: well get married then 
[3/16/2011 8:59:15 PM] Ar: move in with him, something 
[3/16/2011 8:59:37 PM] Aer: honey you know how hard it was with the Asshole 
[3/16/2011 8:59:37 PM] yy: I cant.. adrian school and everything here 
[3/16/2011 8:59:48 PM] Aer: so what, there are more schools 
[3/16/2011 8:59:48 PM] yey: I know.. but I just cant right now. 
[3/16/2011 9:00:04 PM] yvey: hell... I might get kicked out after the bitch finds out 
[3/16/2011 9:00:06 PM] Aer: you need to do something, now is as good a time as any 
[3/16/2011 9:00:16 PM] Ar: well, how is she not going to 
[3/16/2011 9:00:25 PM] Ar: um, gee you are gettiung fat 
[3/16/2011 9:00:41 PM] Aer: you need to be on your own anyway 
[3/16/2011 9:00:45 PM] Ar: live your own life 
[3/16/2011 9:01:02 PM] Alr: she is not your boss 
[3/16/2011 9:01:05 PM] yy: I know 
[3/16/2011 9:01:10 PM] Aler: well... 
[3/16/2011 9:01:21 PM] Ar: if you are happy about this... 
[3/16/2011 9:01:22 PM] yvy: Its realllllly hard right now 
[3/16/2011 9:01:29 PM] y: Im not happy about it 
[3/16/2011 9:01:30 PM] Aer: realllllllly hard how? 
[3/16/2011 9:01:37 PM] Alr: oh 
[3/16/2011 9:01:57 PM] Ar: I would be glad to take the baby if you don't want to or cant 
[3/16/2011 9:02:14 PM] Ar: and then you would still be able to be part of his/her life 
[3/16/2011 9:02:23 PM] y: leash I know you and dad would love to.. but I would never be able to go over there. 
[3/16/2011 9:02:36 PM] Ar: would it be better wondering 
[3/16/2011 9:02:47 PM] r: never being able to know 
[3/16/2011 9:03:09 PM] r: besides, no offense, but you dont come over much now 
[3/16/2011 9:03:54 PM] : and if you get kicked out, well I would like to think you would come here 
[3/16/2011 9:04:25 PM] : I am not trying to pressure you, just trying to help 
[3/16/2011 9:04:46 PM] Ar: sometimes it is better to have a plan, even if it changes down the road 
[3/16/2011 9:05:10 PM] A: so Matt is divorced or a single Dad? 
[3/16/2011 9:05:32 PM] Aliser: heeeeelllllllllloooooooo 
[3/16/2011 9:05:39 PM] Aer: are you still there 
[3/16/2011 9:05:46 PM] r: Mc Fly????? 
[3/16/2011 9:06:06 PM] y: single 
[3/16/2011 9:06:08 PM] y: never married 
[3/16/2011 9:06:19 PM] Ar: I know we have had our "problems" but i do love you and want to do what I can for you 
[3/16/2011 9:06:20 PM] yy: yes I just jhad to come upstairs 
[3/16/2011 9:06:25 PM] y: I know 
[3/16/2011 9:06:26 PM] Ar: gotcha 
[3/16/2011 9:06:39 PM] Aer: Does he have the kids 
[3/16/2011 9:07:00 PM] yvy: no but he sees hes oldest all the time 
[3/16/2011 9:07:02 PM] Aer: where does he live? 
[3/16/2011 9:07:09 PM] Aliser: how old? 
[3/16/2011 9:07:17 PM] Alr: why not the younger one 
[3/16/2011 9:07:31 PM] yy: and he tries and see the 2 yr old as much as possible but from what he said the mother is a complete cunt to him 
[3/16/2011 9:07:36 PM] yy: the oldest is 7 
[3/16/2011 9:07:47 PM] yy: in elsemere with a roommate 
[3/16/2011 9:08:10 PM] Alier: get a place nearby 
[3/16/2011 9:08:17 PM] Alier: see if he can move in and pay rent 
[3/16/2011 9:08:36 PM] Aer: 2 baby mommas 
[3/16/2011 9:08:41 PM] Ar: ?? 
[3/16/2011 9:08:56 PM] Aler: and what is his last name? 
[3/16/2011 9:10:18 PM] yvy: dallago 
[3/16/2011 9:10:39 PM] Aer: what does he look like, cute? 
[3/16/2011 9:10:45 PM] r: hair, eyes 
[3/16/2011 9:10:48 PM] r: tall 
[3/16/2011 9:10:51 PM] r: good teeth 
[3/16/2011 9:10:57 PM] r: i like good teeth 
[3/16/2011 9:12:04 PM] Ar: are you there 
[3/16/2011 9:12:10 PM] Ar: is Bubba in bed? 
[3/16/2011 9:12:21 PM] r: I can talk to you later if now is not good 
[3/16/2011 9:14:13 PM] r: call me if you want to talk 
[3/16/2011 9:14:21 PM] : ((hug)) 

I wanted to post this here because I didnt want to lose it. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Coming across a few things..

I have seen somethings that have really gotten under my skin.

Someone posted "In an effort to expand our search and taking notes from other APs, DH and I had some "we're adopting" cards made up to pass out. Our AC and an attorney friend of mine, mentioned that we should give a few to our pastor and doctors (especially my OBGyn) that they could share if they came across a patient or member of congregation who was looking to place their child(ren). " in a parenting forum. And all that followed was that is brave of you to do. And yay that is a neat idea. All I kept thinking was really? How is any of that brave? That is another way to beg for kids.

And the other thing I have seen is tickers counting down when the birthmom is due, but they are calling the mom, Expecting Mom [or something like that]. And there is another one that has "paper pregnant".